Friday 27 July 2012

About This Blog

Animals have always given us what they can and have served us faithfully. Animals such
as cows and chicken give us food, but now we want more from animals and are being
cruel to them just for our greed.
We have all studied in our textbooks that animals are living things. A living thing needs
food, water, grows, and has feelings. So have we forgotten that animals have feelings and can have pain? It seems so because humans are being ruthless to animals.
This cruelty to animals is worse than a horror movie or book.
When I was nine and a half I watched a movie called ‘Earthlings’. This movie is on animal cruelty. It showed how people were being cruel to animals and some of the images of animal cruelty were so terrible I will always remember them. It showed how some people were even cruel to animals for entertainment, for an example ‘bull fighting’. After watching this movie I decided I must do something to help animals so this is how I started this blog.

I also have made an earlier blog on animal cruelty. If you want to see it refer to this link

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